Friday Flash Week 6 - 24th of May 2024
From the Principal
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
I hope this newsletter finds you all well. We’ve had an exciting few weeks at our school, and I’m thrilled to share some of the wonderful events and achievements with you.
Early Years Expo Success
Our Prep, Year 1, and Year 2 students had an absolutely delightful time at the Early Years Expo. A heartfelt thank you goes out to Bremer High, QFS, and the Rural Fire Brigade for their participation. Special thanks also to the dedicated staff, led by Barb Christie, who went above and beyond to make this event possible. It was wonderful to see our First Nations Dance Troupe and Band perform, and the students truly enjoyed every moment of the day. It was lovely to hear feedback about how polite and friendly our students were.
Year 6 Camp Adventures
Our Year 6 students had an amazing time on camp this week, with the giant swing being a standout highlight. A big thank you to our fantastic staff who organised this memorable experience for our students.
Social Media
As a school principal, I strongly encourage keeping children off social media until they reach high school. While social media can be valuable for keeping in touch with family, year after year I have seen children negatively impacted by not being emotionally ready to engage with their friends online. Research consistently shows that early exposure to social media can negatively impact children's social and emotional wellbeing. Studies indicate increased risks of anxiety, depression, and reduced self-esteem in younger children using social media platforms. For their mental health and overall development, it's best to delay their access to these online spaces.
If you encounter any issues or need to report online safety concerns, please visit the eSafety Commissioner’s website at eSafety Commissioner for guidance and support. We also have parent and student "Think U Know" Cyber Safety sessions on the 13th and 17th of June which is a program led by the Australian Federal Police.
Colour Explosion Fun Run Success
A massive thank you to everyone who supported last term's Colour Explosion Fun Run. I’m thrilled to announce that our donations have been finalised, and our collective efforts have achieved the following:
- Coral Planting: 29
- Turtle Tokens: 227
- Trees Donated: 29
- Meals Donated: 432
- Book Tokens: [Insert number]
We have also raised an impressive $7506 towards the Student Council! Additionally, we have three special mentions that will be announced at our next parade:
- Junior School Class Highest Fundraiser: Prep A
- Senior School Class Highest Fundraiser: 6A
- Highest Fundraising Student: Elayna B in 2A
Well done to everyone who participated in this fantastic event!
Thank you once again for your continued support and dedication to our school community.
Warm regards,
Kelli Harvey
What's On Next Week
- Monday: Soaring Learning
- Tuesday: P&C Meeting. Strings at 7:50am. Running Club at 8:30 am on the oval.
- Wednesday: Boys' soccer and rugby training at 7:45 am. Music practice club 8:15 - 8:30. Band at second break. Junior Choir during second break. Uniform Shop open in the afternoon.
- Thursday: Running Club at 8:30 am on the oval. Little Jets playgroup.
- Friday: Assembly
We also have Breakfast Club every morning!
Expectation of the Week
We encourage parents to reinforce our focus expectation at home.
School Attendance
Our School attendance rate is currently 90.1%. Our goal is 95%.
Please contact your year level Deputy Principal, if you need support with attendance at school. Unexplained absence letters are deployed twice a term. You can update attendance through the QParents app.
Payments Due
Please see below updated Departmental Process for payment and consent for excursions, incursions and camps.
- A consent will be loaded to Parent/Carer QParents account with a specific due date. If you do not have QParents, it is Parent/Carer responsibility to contact administration to obtain a paper copy.
- Parents/Carers will be notified of the excursion/incursion/camp via email. This email will also state the due date for payment and consent.
- On the consent due date, an invoice will be generated to Parent/Carer who has completed the consent, this will be received via email. If a consent is not received by the due date, children will not be able to participate in the excursion/incursion/camp and will not be invoiced.
- Payment will be due by a specific date which will be specified again on the invoice.
- If payment is not received by the due date, despite signing a consent, children will not be able to participate in the excursion/incursion/camp.
- As a courtesy, generic reminders will be emailed to Parents/Carers prior to the due date.
Expression of Interests have been sent home for the following events:
Yr3 Street Science incursion | Consent due by 31/05/24 | Invoices will be sent 31/05/24 | Cost: $22 (Due 14/06/24) | Event date: 17/07/24 |
Please note, SRS payment/instalment payments are required by the due date each term. If payments are not received, the school will pursue the Departmental debt management process which includes the potential of exclusion from optional, non-curricular activities. If you are experiencing financial hardship, please contact Administration as a matter of urgency.
Term 1 - 22 March 2024 (overdue)
Term 2 – Due by 14 June 2024
Term 3 – Due by 6 September 2024
Our preferred methods of payment are BPoint, Qkr!, EFTPOS, or bank transfer (BSB 064-417, Acct. 00091292).
The Loose Change Challenge has commenced this week. There is also a Subway Fundraiser on the last day of term.
Friendly Reminders
Don't forget to download the Schoolzine App to so you can access all school communications in a centralised location. Please click here to find instructions on SZapp app installation. After you select Amberley District State School enter PassCode 7242. There is also a link to the left to download.
Interschool Sport
Congratulations to all of our sports teams!
Save the Date
- May 31: DSM Catch up 2pm
- June 4 and 5: School photos.
- June 13: Music Alfresco at 3:15 pm. Parent cybersafety information session in the Hall 5:30pm
- June 17: Student Think U Know cybersafety sessions. Prep - 6.
- June 18: Senior Sports Day.
- June 20: NAIDOC Day.
- June 21: Celebration of Learning and Free Dress day. Subway fundraiser