Friday Flash Week 7 - 31st of May 2024
From the Principal
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
I hope you had a wonderful week. We were fortunate to have four schools visit us this week to observe our morning circles and learning walls. The feedback we received from these schools was overwhelmingly positive, and they are eager to implement some of our successful practices in their own institutions. I thought I would share a little about these practices for those who might not be familiar.
Morning Circles
Morning Circles are a daily routine in every classroom. This initiative ensures that every child feels welcomed at the start of the day, is informed about the day’s activities, and begins their school day on a positive note, enhancing overall student wellbeing. The structure of our morning circles includes: welcome, check-in, expectations, values, announcements, a positive primer, and reflections on what went well. Strong authentic relationships between teachers and students are fostered during morning circle time and research has shown that these relationships have a huge impact on student achievement, engagement and wellbeing.
Learning Walls
In every classroom, we have a learning wall for English. These walls clearly display what is expected of our learners, featuring examples of good, great, and exceptional work, which are unpacked with students throughout the term. Success criteria are also detailed, outlining what children need to include in their work to achieve success. Students are encouraged to use the learning wall during lessons to support their learning. We have had strong improvements in student achievement in English since the implementation of Learning Walls.
Social Media Tips for Families
Following on from last week’s message about social media, one of our community members shared an article from the Barefoot Investor with tips for families on managing social media use, which I have included below. These tips are from Susan McLean, widely regarded as Australia’s first cyber cop.
Many parents read alarming headlines about technology damaging kids’ brains and react by imposing strict rules. However, this approach often backfires, making kids less likely to seek help if something goes wrong. Here are three alternative strategies:
Ask Your Kids to Create an Online Contract
- Discuss concerns about app addictiveness, mental health challenges, and internet risks.
- Have your kids draft a contract outlining how they will manage their online use. Include:
- Regular tech-free times
- Sharing passwords and logins to all accounts
- No phones in bedrooms and bathrooms
- Actions to take if they feel unsafe or see something uncomfortable.
- Let them choose their punishment for breaking the contract. Often, they set harsher penalties than parents would!
No Social Media until 16
- Protect your kids by keeping them off social media as long as possible.
Don’t Be a Hypocrite
- Set a good example with your technology habits. If you want your kids to follow rules, model those behaviours yourself.
- Sign the same contract your kids create to show solidarity and commitment.
Reconciliation Week
As we move through Reconciliation Week, it is important to reflect on our shared histories and cultures and to celebrate the contributions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Our school is committed to fostering a deeper understanding and respect for these cultures through our curriculum and activities. We encourage you to engage in conversations with your children about the significance of Reconciliation Week and to participate in community events that celebrate and honour Indigenous cultures.
Exciting News!
I am thrilled to share some positive news with you all! We have been successful in securing two grants we applied for 18 months ago, one for a tuckshop upgrade and another for a playground upgrade. These improvements will significantly enhance our facilities for the benefit of our students. I will share more details and plans once I hear from the Department. It is wonderful to be able to create great spaces for our children to learn and play!
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Warm regards,
Kelli Harvey
What's On Next Week
- Monday: Soaring Learning
- Tuesday: School Photos Strings at 7:50am. Running Club at 8:30 am on the oval.
- Wednesday: School Photos. Boys' soccer and rugby training at 7:45 am. Music practice club 8:15 - 8:30. Band at second break. Junior Choir during second break. Uniform Shop open in the afternoon.
- Thursday: Running Club at 8:30 am on the oval. Little Jets playgroup.
- Friday: Assembly
We also have Breakfast Club every morning!
School Photo Day Reminders
If you would like a sibling photo taken on photo day please collect a sibling photo envelope from the school office.
Student are to wear full school uniform - NO SPORTS SHIRTS.
Students hair is to be tied back, if below shoulder length, as per the Uniform Policy which is included below.
Students to bring photo envelopes to school to hand to the photographers on the day of their photo.
Sibling Photos taken from 8am each morning. Parents/carers are to supervise their children at the hall while waiting in line for their turn.
All photos are taken at the hall.
Please see below photo day timetable. Also the school uniform policy is below.
For any question please email by 3pm Monday 3rd June.
Expectation of the Week
We encourage parents to reinforce our focus expectation at home.
School Attendance
Our School attendance rate is currently 90.2%. Our goal is 95%.
Congratulations to Prep B and 5A for being the classes with the highest attendance this week!
Please contact your year level Deputy Principal, if you need support with attendance at school. Unexplained absence letters are deployed twice a term. You can update attendance through the QParents app.
Payments Due
Statements will be sent home in the coming days. Statements indicate any outstanding amounts of money that is owing.
Statements also show if your child’s account has a credit. If you have an amount on the statement that has a minus sign in front of the amount, this means you are in credit. Eg -$10 indicates a credit.
Please DO NOT PAY. The credit can be used for any future or upcoming payments. You will still need to contact the office and request the credit to be applied to an invoice.
Student Resource Scheme
If you currently have a payment agreement (including paying instalments through Qkr!), your Term 2 instalment is due by 14/06/24.
Please ignore this reminder if you have already paid in full OR made Term 1 and 2 instalments.
If have not made a payment or entered an agreement, please contact the office asap to make arrangements.
If payments are not received, the school will pursue the Departmental debt management process which includes the potential of exclusion from optional, non-curricular activities.
If you are experiencing financial hardship, please contact Administration as a matter of urgency.
Upcoming Events:
Yr5 Camp– Burleigh Heads | Event date: 02/09/24 to 04/05/24 | Consent will be sent shortly, and only to families who have returned an Expression of Interest | Cost and payment due date: To be confirmed |
Yr3 Street Science incursion | Event date: 17/07/24 | Consent due by 31/05/24 If the consent is not returned, the student will not be invoiced and therefore will not attend. | Cost: $22 (Due 14/06/24) Invoices will be sent only to students who have returned consent. |
The Loose Change Challenge has commenced this week. There is also a Subway Fundraiser on the last day of term.
Friendly Reminders
Don't forget to download the Schoolzine App to so you can access all school communications in a centralised location. Please click here to find instructions on SZapp app installation. After you select Amberley District State School enter PassCode 7242. There is also a link to the left to download.
Interschool Sport
Congratulations to all of our sports teams!
Save the Date
- June 4 and 5: School photos.
- June 13: Music Alfresco at 3:15 pm. Parent cybersafety information session in the Hall 5:30pm
- June 14: OSHC Up late see flyer below
- June 17: Student Think U Know cybersafety sessions. Prep - 6.
- June 18: Senior Sports Day.
- June 20: NAIDOC Day.
- June 21: Celebration of Learning and Free Dress day. Subway fundraiser