Friday Flash Week 1 - 4th October, 2024
From the Principal
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
We’re off to a great start this term with the launch of our new colour-coded play areas and equipment, designed to make playtime more accessible and fun. You’ll notice signs around the school soon. A big thank you to the Student Council for their fundraising efforts, which made this possible.
I’d also like to highlight the Department of Education’s No Excuse for School Abuse campaign. While most interactions are positive, this campaign reminds us that aggression or harassment towards school staff, either in person or online, is unacceptable and can lead to serious consequences. Attached is the Parent and Community Code of Conduct, which encourages respectful behaviour and positive role modelling for our children.
Over my 14 years as Principal, I have personally experienced the impact of abusive behaviour, but my passion for helping children drives me and our staff each day. We value working with parents to ensure every child thrives. If you'd like to contribute further, I encourage you to join our Parent Representative Group to help create positive changes.
Next week is Mental Health Week, with the theme "Connect for Mental Health." Students will enjoy a lunchtime disco and team games, and on Friday, we’re hosting our fun Funky Feet Friday—so don't forget those funky socks! Our FLASH expectation for the week is we are friendly when we are bucket fillers. Our students will learn about what is a bucket filler and you can find out more below by watching the Youtube video.
Please keep an eye on upcoming events, including Grandparents Morning on Friday, 18th October. Grandparents will spend time in classrooms and then a shared picnic morning tea with their grand children - so please bring a plate!
Looking forward to a fantastic term ahead!
Kind Regards
Kelli Harvey
Meet our New Guidance Officer - Selina
Hello Amberley District State School community! I am delighted to join the team as your new Guidance Officer. Before stepping into this role, I spent several years as a Prep and Arts Teacher, and prior to that, I worked as a performing artist for 25 years with The Boogie Woogies Superhero Band. I also served on the board of Happy Healthy Kidz Australia, a charity dedicated to supporting children’s well-being. Drawing from my diverse arts background, I hope to support our students by providing them with additional strategies to draw upon from their mental health toolbox.
As part of Mental Health Week (5-13 October), I am excited to host some fun activities to promote well-being and fun for both students and staff. On Tuesday, 8 October, I’ll be opening up The BASE for a Feel Good Dance Party. Students can dance, choose fun costumes from a dress-up box, and take photos in our special Mental Health Week photo booth:
- Preps to Year 2 can join in the fun at first break from 10:50-11:15 AM.
- Years 3 to 6 are invited during second break from 1:00-1:25 PM.
We’ll have music, dancing, and lots of positive vibes – it’s the perfect way to boost well-being through movement and fun!
Looking forward to meeting you all and making this a great week for well-being!
Take care of your mind, and the rest will follow. Dance, smile, and don’t be afraid to shine bright!
Warmest regards,
Guidance Officer
What's On Next Week
- Monday: King's Birthday Public Holiday
- Tuesday: Strings at 7:50am. Running Club at 8:30 am on the oval.
- Wednesday: Junior Choir practice - second break. Uniform Shop open 2.30 to 3.15pm.
- Thursday: Touch Football training on the oval 7.45am. Running Club at 8:30 am on the oval. Little Jets playgroup 9 - 10.45am in BASE.
- Friday: Funky Feet Friday
We also have Breakfast Club every morning!
Don't forget to place your Tuckshop orders via the Qkr! app for the Book Week Special Menu.
Expectation of the Week
School Attendance
Our School attendance rate is currently 89.5%. Our goal is 95%.
Please contact your year level Deputy Principal, if you need support with attendance at school. Unexplained absence letters are deployed twice a term. You can update attendance through the QParents app.
2025 Class Placement
Each year, classes are organised to try to best meet the needs of all students. This is a complex process where parents have the opportunity to provide information in relation to specific needs for consideration by the school in making the most appropriate placement for every child. Parents may not directly request a particular teacher and expect that this will occur. All information will be considered and decisions about placements will balance the needs of all students.
Parents who have educationally or socially relevant information they would like to provide to assist with compilation of 2025 class lists should send an email to:
It is essential that this email address is used to ensure all relevant information can be considered. Do not provide information to class teachers or other staff via conversation or note.
For information to be considered it must be received by the school before Friday 11 October at 3pm.
Payments Due
Save the Date
- October 11: Funky Feet Friday, 2025 Student Leadership nomination forms due
- October 18: Grandparents Day 9:00 - 10:30
- October 25: World Teachers Day
- December 2: Year 4-6 Swimming Carnival
- December 3: Junior Christmas Concert and Christmas Dress Up Day
- December 4: Soaring Awards Junior P-3 9am. Senior 4-6 10am
- December 5: Year 6 Graduation
- December 12: Class Break up Day
Flash's Favourites
Friendly Reminders
Don't forget to download the Schoolzine App to so you can access all school communications in a centralised location. Please click here to find instructions on SZapp app installation. After you select Amberley District State School enter PassCode 7242. There is also a link to the left to download.