Friday Flash Week 2 - 11th October, 2024
From the Principal
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
What a fantastic week we’ve had!
Our focus on the flash expectation of being a bucket filler has truly filled our hearts. It was wonderful to see so many children receiving the "Citizen of the Week" award for showing kindness and filling others' buckets.
Mental Health Week has been a huge success!
The students absolutely loved all the activities. From feel-good dance parties to engaging classroom activities, it was a week full of joy and positivity. We wrapped up the week with Funky Feet Friday—what fun it was to see all those funky and fabulous socks!
Our before-school movement routine!
It’s fantastic to see how this initiative has helped increase students' physical activity and set them up for a productive day of learning. We’ve noticed such a positive impact on students’ engagement in class. Just a friendly reminder: our staff are there to supervise students before school, but younger siblings remain under parents' care during this time.
Prep enrolments for next year are still open but filling fast!
If you haven’t already, please ensure your little one is enrolled so they can join our Prep afternoon play dates, where they’ll meet their teacher for next year and get a taste of the fun ahead.
A quick reminder about reading!
Please ensure your child is doing their 20 minutes of reading every night. If they’re feeling a bit reluctant, don’t forget every student has access to Reading Eggs! Logins and passwords can be found in their diaries.
We can't wait to celebrate with our wonderful Grandparents next Friday!
The day will start at 9am with open classrooms, giving grandparents plenty of time to visit all their grandkids’ classes. This will be followed by a shared morning tea picnic—don’t forget to bring a plate to share and a picnic blanket!
Kind Regards
Kelli Harvey
What's On Next Week
- Monday: Choir (jr and snr) - first break.
- Tuesday: Strings at 7:50am. Running Club at 8:30 am on the oval.
- Wednesday: Choir (jr and snr) - first break. Concert band - second break. Uniform Shop open 2.30 to 3.15pm. 2025 Student Leadership Panel Meeting.
- Thursday: Touch Football training on the oval 7.45am. Running Club at 8:30 am on the oval. Little Jets playgroup 9 - 10.45am in BASE.
- Friday: Grandparents Morning 9 to 11am. Interschool Sport. 2025 Student leadership applicants notified if progressing to the next round 2.30 to 3pm.
We also have Breakfast Club every morning!
Don't forget to place your Tuckshop orders via the Qkr! app for the Book Week Special Menu.
Expectation of the Week
School Attendance
Our School attendance rate is currently 89.6%. Our goal is 95%.
Please contact your year level Deputy Principal, if you need support with attendance at school. Unexplained absence letters are deployed twice a term. You can update attendance through the QParents app.
Congratulations to 3B and 4B who won the Good Egg Awards this week for eggcellent attendance!
Also congratulations to 4B who had 100% attendance for the first time all year this week!! Well done!
Payments Due
Save the Date
- October 18: Grandparents Day 9:00 - 10:30
- October 25: World Teachers Day
- November 20: Music Concert (bands and choir) 3.15 to 4pm
- December 2: Year 4-6 Swimming Carnival
- December 3: Junior Christmas Concert and Christmas Dress Up Day
- December 4: Soaring Awards Junior P-3 9am. Senior 4-6 10am
- December 5: Year 6 Graduation
- December 5: Class Break up Day
Flash's Favourites
Ipswich Junior String Ensemble Sunday Nov 3 - 5 to 7pm & afternoon Tea
Dear Friends of Tivoli and Ipswich Junior String Ensemble
Tivoli Drive In is delighted to host Ipswich Junior String Ensemble presenting Monster House, the music from Harry Potter and the hit series Wednesday. Bring your Kids and the Grandies J
Tickets only $5. All proceeds go to helping food insecure families in the Ipswich West Moreton region
You’re invited to join us on Sunday Nov 3rd from 5pm for the Ipswich Junior String Ensemble performing music from Harry Potter and Wednesday (Hit Series) and afternoon tea.
Book your tickets here: ONLY $5 each – Bookings Essential
Friendly Reminders
Don't forget to download the Schoolzine App to so you can access all school communications in a centralised location. Please click here to find instructions on SZapp app installation. After you select Amberley District State School enter PassCode 7242. There is also a link to the left to download.