Friday Flash Week 4 - 25th October, 2024
From the Principal
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Could this week have been the G.O.A.T (Greatest of All Time)?
Well, 4D certainly thought so with some adorable baby goats, Billy and Dorothy, joining them for Show and Tell! The students absolutely loved the experience. Additionally, we held our first afternoon playdate with our 2025 Preppies, which was a great success. It's also exciting to see the final touches on our Prep yard upgrade, including the installation of a new Truck Pit!
Celebrating World Teachers' Day
Today, we celebrated World Teachers' Day with a fun-filled 'Fluro Friday' and a delightful morning tea, generously provided by School Plus. I feel truly blessed to work with the incredible teaching staff at Amberley District State School. They are among the finest teams I've had the privilege of working with throughout my career. Their dedication and passion for our children, and their commitment to achieving the best outcomes for every student, is inspiring.
One of my greatest joys as Principal is walking through each classroom and witnessing firsthand the amazing work our teachers do every day. Seeing our students so engaged and enjoying their learning journey is truly rewarding. This year, I've had the unique opportunity to experience the other side of school life as a parent, with my own child starting school. I couldn't be prouder to work alongside such talented and dedicated teachers. A big thank you to all of them for their hard work!
Exciting Grounds Upgrades
As you may have noticed, we've made significant improvements to our school grounds this year. One of our upcoming projects is to create murals using recycled materials, and we're seeking your help! We’re collecting coloured plastic bottle caps to use in these artworks. If you have any to donate, please drop them off with 5D or at the School Plus OSHC. Your contributions would be greatly appreciated!
Kind Regards,
Kelli Harvey
What's On Next Week
- Monday: Choir (jr and snr) - first break.
- Tuesday: Strings at 7:50am. Running Club at 8:30 am on the oval.
- Wednesday: Choir (jr and snr) - first break. Concert band - second break. Uniform Shop open 2.30 to 3.15pm.
- Thursday: Touch Football training on the oval 7.45am. Running Club at 8:30 am on the oval. Little Jets playgroup 9 - 10.45am in BASE.
- Friday: Interschool Sport.
We also have Breakfast Club every morning!
Expectation of the Week
School Attendance
Our School attendance rate is currently 89.7%. Our goal is 95%.
Please contact your year level Deputy Principal, if you need support with attendance at school. Unexplained absence letters are deployed twice a term. You can update attendance through the QParents app.
Payments Due
Save the Date
- October 25: World Teachers Day
- November 11: Remembrance Day parade - All welcome
- November 20: Music Concert (bands and choir) 3.15 to 4pm
- December 2: Year 4-6 Swimming Carnival
- December 3: Junior Christmas Concert and Christmas Dress Up Day
- December 4: Soaring Awards Junior P-3 9am. Senior 4-6 10am
- December 5: Year 6 Graduation
- December 5: Class Break up Day
Save the date: Instrumental, String and Choir concert
Wednesday 20th November (week 8) from 3.15pm to 4pm in the hanger
All Instrumental, Strings and Choir students
- please note students attending concert need to be present at regular rehearsals
- Please check emails for further information about this event
- ONLY 4 rehearsals left!
All welcome to come and join in the fun!
Flash's Favourites
Week 5
Friendly Reminders
Don't forget to download the Schoolzine App to so you can access all school communications in a centralised location. Please click here to find instructions on SZapp app installation. After you select Amberley District State School enter PassCode 7242. There is also a link to the left to download.