Friday Flash 26th of April 2024
From the Principal
Hi Everyone,
Our students have made us proud this week with the respect that they demonstrated at our school ANZAC service. It was a wonderful service and a big thank you to our team who put it together and everyone who came along. It was wonderful to see many families attend the service at Leichhardt Park - it is the most we have ever seen. We also had students representing the school at services in different locations. Wyatt in Prep B attended the Anzac Day Ceremony with his Grandfather at Burleigh Heads where he lay flowers on behalf of the school and SASR (Special Air Service Regiment). He was also lucky enough to be pulled aside with his Pop for and interview with Channel 7.
A big thank you to those students and staff who represented the school on the day.
As you may have noticed, we have a new format for our communication, and we're excited to announce that we'll be using School Zine from now on. We believe this platform will provide a more user-friendly way to communicate with our school community. Plus, it comes with a free handy app where you can access all our communications and even choose your preferred language for newsletters.
Please click here to find instructions on SZapp app installation. After you select Amberley District State School enter PassCode 7242. There is also a link to the left to download.
You will be able to access all school email communications and newsletters via the app, this will save time scrolling emails if you need to refer back to previous communications.
This app will be in addition to QParents and QKR! but you can access both these via the SZapp app.
You may also have noticed that we are in the process of more school improvements between Year 2 and Year 5. We are clearing out this area to rebuild our community garden and putting in picnic tables to create an outdoor classroom. It will be a lovely area for students to play and learn as well as producing food for our community.
Have a soaring week!
Kelli Harvey
What's On Next Week
- Monday: Soaring Learning. Senior Choir during first break.
- Tuesday: Strings at 8:10 am. Running Club at 8:30 am on the oval.
- Wednesday: Boys' soccer and rugby training at 7:45 am. Music practice club 8:15 - 8:30. Band at second break. Junior Choir during second break. Uniform Shop open in the afternoon. S
- Thursday: Running Club at 8:30 am on the oval. Little Jets playgroup. Zone sports trials.
- Friday: Assembly. Interschool Sport
We also have Breakfast Club every morning!
Expectation of the Week
We are RESPECTFUL when we respect the rights of teachers to teach and students to learn.
School Attendance
Our School attendance rate is currently 90.4%. Our goal is 95%.
Please contact your year level Deputy Principal, if you need support with attendance at school.
Payments Due
- School Resource Scheme (SRS) payments are overdue. Please contact the office if you haven't paid or entered into a payment agreement.
- Year 6 Camp (20-22 May): Payment of $281.50 and consent due 26/04/24.
Our preferred methods of payment are BPoint, Qkr!, EFTPOS, or bank transfer (BSB 064-417, Acct. 00091292).
Seeking Assistance
In Week 4, we'll be holding our annual Mother's Day stall and are in need of volunteers to help run the stall on May 8th and 9th. If you're interested in lending a hand, please email and let us know your availability. Also if you are interested in being involved in any events on our school calendar - please don't hesitate to get in contact.
Friendly Reminders
With cooler weather approaching, please make sure that your child's school jumper is named clearly. As the weather warms up during the day, students often take off their jumpers and we want to make sure they are returned to their rightful owner.
All lost property can be found on the shelves outside the school office.
Interschool Sport
Congratulations to all of our sports teams!
Save the Date
- May 6: Labour Day.
- May 8 and 9: Mother's Day Stall. Gifts range from $2 - $15; more details to come.
- May 10: Flash's Birthday walk to school. Meet at Stallard Park at 8:15 am for a walking bus to school!
- May 17: Ipswich Show.
- May 20-22: Year 6 Camp.
- May 24: Early Years Expo.
- June 5 and 6: School photos.
- June 13: Music Alfresco at 3:15 pm.
- June 18: Senior Sports Day.
- June 20: NAIDOC Day.
- June 21: Celebration of Learning and Free Dress day